Vol. 2019.02.21

vol 2022.05
Socialism for Beginners
For all others, extreme caution is indicated when reading wiki pages. These articles are frequently written by individuals who agree with the goals of the historical figures and organizations.
Nicolas Maduro - Adored by Cortez and glorified by wiki
Khmer Rouge Killing Fields
French Revolution
(Full of whitewash)
Sans-culottes - Section: Reign of Terror - Modern day Democrats
IWW - Industrial Workers of the World
Socialist Role Models
Violeft Institutions
The Indoctrination Center at UC Berkley
The Indoctrination center at Harvard
Information - The Indoctrination Center at Wellesley
The Indoctrination Center at U C Santa Barbara
How The Violeft Govern
Washington’s HB 1521 Risks Reducing Competition and the Quality of Services Provided to Taxpayers
Welcome to California, land of 1,000 laws — and that’s just this year
‘Rain Tax’ Likely To Become Reality In New Jersey
Any way to tax the chump - California city approves 25-cent fee on disposable cups -
Police patrols intensify as big city homicides rise... BALTIMORE / CHICAGO, etc.
Connecticut Financial Health - Take a Guess
British Judge Sets Deadline for Parents to Agree on Baby Charlie Gard’s Fate
Moonbeam signs a bill to increase California Gas Tax
First bicycle tax in nation leaves bike-crazy Oregon riders deflated
Campus police told students to stop touting the benefits of fossil fuels on campus: lawsuit
Hartford Connecticut - Downgraded to Junk by S&P
Things are so bad in Venezuela that people are rationing toothpaste
California gives immigrants here illegally unprecedented rights, benefits, protections
How Illinois became America's most messed-up state
We Are Seeing The Effects Of Seattle's $15 An Hour Minimum Wage
New York's subway has always been a chamber of horrors. But when did it get this bad?
The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave
Here's why some immigrant activists say not even criminals should be deported